Headed off to the hospital for a recertification class then picked up the kiddos. Grocery shopping, lunch, a little quiet time, and then playing with the kids...that was my day :)
After dinner, the boys sang happy birthday to me and i blew out my candles.
so my resolution for the next decade is to be a tad bit selfish and work on myself. I feel that my 20's were about finishing nursing school, getting married and being a wife, becoming a mom, breastfeeding, second pregancy, breastfeeding.....I feel like i finally have my body back and i can work on getting back in shape, eating healthy, and taking care of myself...or should i say pay a little more attention to myself. I definately don't mean that i will not pay attention to my little ones....how could you not do that. i had a hard time leaving them for the three days in chicago. i just hope i will make a little bit of time for myself.
the second thing i hope to do is make my family a little more healthy. be mindful of what we all eat, cut some sugar out, stay active as a family...not just me at the gym and the boys playing their sports. maybe i can pass on my love of hiking in AZ to the boys as they get a little older. and scott will pass on his love for baseball!
I look forward to the next 10 years. My, how the boys will grow, what fun vacations we will take, and how crazy it will get once they are both in school and all their school activities. oh gosh, i can't think about the next 10 years. let's just get thru this week!
This picture, i couldn't help but take. Owen fell asleep in the car after we went grocery shopping today....with a sucker in his mouth.