Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My big helper

After Owen's morning nap, we were off to Wal-Mart. Owen loves the great value cookies called "don't forget." They are kinda like sugar cookies....yes, i am that mom that let's her 10 month old eat them. Anyway, with five things on my list, a quick trip turned into a $70 trip! Once we got home, Ryan helped carry a few bags in and started unloading groceries. He put the turkey bacon and string cheese in the frig and put all of the babyfood in the lower cabinet. after all bags were emptied, i said something about the OJ. Ryan said "i put it up." i asked where he put and he opened the frig door and sure enough, it was sitting in the frig. Without asking, Ryan was my big helper. I gave him a big high five and said thanks for helping.

We headed to the pool after Owen's afternoon nap then came home and started making dinner. I am feeling under the weather....start of a sinus infection, so I headed to bed after dinner was ready. Ryan came in and laid down with me and told me he was sick, said he had a headache and needed to cuddle with me. Scott tried to get him out of our bedroom but he kept saying he had a headache. The boy has never complained of a headache in his life. How sweet, he just wanted to be with his mommy. We were watching Jon and Kate plus 8 (yep, the annoucement of the divorce episode) and ryan leaned over and kissed me, then said "love you mommy." It melted my heart. No amount of money can buy you those precious moments like that. Makes me realize how so very precious my two little boys are!

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