Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Owen's First Haircut....and a couple of videos!

Sunday July 26th....went to get haircuts but too long of a wait so we came home. Ryan fell asleep on the way home. I woke him up. He got out of the car and got mad b/c he never got his haircut. so i guess he decided to lay down on the concrete and pout. We went on inside. picture was taken from the front window.

I thought he was asleep so snuck out the back door and walked around the house to take a closer look. nope, he was just pouting! he finally decided to get up and come inside. oh, the life of a 3 year old.

July 27th....yes, Owen's first haircut. Before picture

After pictures....much better. No more hair in the eyes!

Ryan wanted his picture taken too.

Ryan playing baseball with Scottie tonight in the front yard.

Owen....the little stinker that he is. He can stand up by himself. He can stand for a few seconds. I know he could take a step or two if he really tried. But instead, he just uses his push toy to get around the house if he wants to go somewhere fast!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Owen's first Royals Game

It was a beautiful night this evening so we decided to head to the Royals game. It was a lovely 70 degrees...perfect for mommy and owen to attend their first game of the season. Scott takes Ryan quite often but it was finally time for us to attend as a family of 4. Emily, Beef, Justin, and Darrin also came along.

Yep, impossible to get a decent family picture.

We ate Mr Goodcents (and dranks a few beers) before heading in.
please note that sara, ryan and owen did not participate in the beer drinking :)

Once we went in, we headed straight to the little K. Ryan loves to go back there and hit the ball in the little field. Then he runs out to the field and helps shag balls. He thinks he is pretty cool to be out there with older kids. This was Ryan and Owen waiting in line. It was too cute...couldn't resist this picture!

And then it was Ryan's turn....video is at the end of the blog so that you can watch. I don't know who gets more excited about Ryan getting to hit at the little K, Ryan himself or Scottie.

Here is Ryan helping shag balls. He thinks he is hot stuff!

"I got it!"

Gotta love technology. So glad i am able to video this from my camera and download it. What great memories this will be to go back and watch it when he gets older. Too cute. Makes me realize I have a pretty special 3 year old!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I no longer have a baby

Ooops, this picture downloaded out of order....but i don't have enough time to change the whole blog!!!

My baby is growing up. At 11 months, he is drinking out of a sippy cup. Don't think Ryan mastered this until he was about 14 months. Owen still has bottles at daycare but now he enjoys water at every meal. Although his favorite thing to drink is anything from mom or dad's cup!! He also started refusing babyfood at 10 months so on to table food!

I also know that I no longer have a baby when Owen crawls over to Ryan's tricycle and tries to get on it. I decided to sit him on it (even though there is no "seatbelt") and he knew exactly what to do....grab the handle bars. You can tell he watches Ryan and the neighbor kids ride their bikes. Now Owen loves to go for "bike rides"

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend with Grandma and Great Aunt Shelley

I had to work this weekend and Scott had to work on saturday then was off to st louis on sunday (for all star baseball activities) so grandma cathy and great aunt shelley came up to watch the boys. Saturday was a fun filled day. They first headed down to crown center to the lego exhibit.

Ryan looks a tad bit nervous about the lego man.

Then off to Crayola Cafe. Shoot, we forgot to tell grandma cathy about fritz's railroad burger joint.

After lunch,grandma tried to get Ryan out in the water....but it didn't work.

This is as far as she got.

Saturday night was the block party. Ryan had been looking forward to this all week! It was time for the water slide!

I can't believe he went down it with the water on. He hates water in his eyes. It probably didn't hurt that the older kids were going down the slide. He thought he had to do whatever they did!

And then it was time to check out the fire truck!! Prairie village fire department came by so the kids could get a close look at the fire truck. Ryan enjoyed it at first....

(all the neighbor kids in the truck)

(the fireman helping ryan down)

Owen liked the truck
....but then it was time to get back to riding bikes and scooters down the street!

jaws of life

And so the fun began....riding bikes down the street. I swear i thought Ryan was going to crash

Weeeeeeeeeeee...but he never did.

(for the record, after ryan went down the hill a few times, scott made him wear his helmet!)

And finally, I made it home from work. Owen was super excited to see mommy walking up the street! It was a great day all around.

Thanks grandma cathy and aunt shelley for coming up to watch the boys! And for cleaning the house on sunday!!!!!!!!!!!

Ball Pit

Ryan and Owen love playing in the ball pit. I just love it when we go downstairs to play. I will start folding clothes or doing laundry and Owen goes straight for the balls. It can keep him entertained for hours!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Weekend

It's 10:30pm on sunday the 5th and i should be in bed. i work tomorrow and kids go to daycare but wanted to get these pics posted of our weekend. these first few are from earlier in the week. kids were outside eating popsicles and it just seemed like a good time to grab a few photos!

Owen adores his big brother!

Yep, thursday night and cleaning the frig b/c friday is trash day. Owen can sometimes be too much of a helper. Don't think we need to throw out the maple syrup and the chicken salad from hen house!
And so our 4th of July weekend begins. It was kinda yucky outside on Friday so we hit McAlister's Deli for lunch then on to Target.

Later in the evening, we hit the park. Ryan rode "grandma's bike" (his tricycle from grandma margaret's house....by the way, thanks grandma for letting us keep it at our house for a little while. Ryan loves this bike.) while owen had to settle for the stroller

After Owen went to bed, Ryan helped me fix chocolate chip cookies...with real butter!!
(good thing i am still nursing so i am burning those 500 extra calories a day!)

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!
Saturday morning we headed to Villagefest in prairie village. Ryan and Owen were in their matching red/white/blue shirts. First time i have dressed them in matching outfits and and ryan thought it was the coolest!

Daddy and Owen in front of the army helicopter. We saw it fly over our house earlier in the morning. We just couldn't get up and going earlier enough to be there at 8:30 to watch it land....plus i think the loud noise would have scared Ryan!

Ready, Set, Go

This was Ryan's favorite part of the morning


After the slide, we ran into KC Wolf. Ryan is scared of wolf and Slugger but we brought our "let's go chiefs" book along so we could show wolf the book and tell him we read it every night. i had to tell wolf and ryan just waved from afar. Scott said he had a death grip on the stoller! As we were leaving, we saw wolf again and Ryan finally gave him a high five! it happened so fast, i didn't get a chance to get a picture.

Dinner was at justin and kim's and then sparklers. Thanks Beans for helping Ryan!
We then watched the Great Mall of the Great Plains fireworks show (darn it. left the camera at justin and kim's house so i didn't get any pics).

Sunday morning.....ready for church

After i put owen down for a nap, i took the monitor into scott so he could listen for owen and i locked my self in my room so i could have one hour without any interuptions. i opted to watch a little tv and then take a short nap. i so needed the downtime! i never get it anymore. seems like someone is always needing mommy!
So as our day was ending, Scott went to work to get a head start on the week. i got ryan down for bed and then guess who didn't think it was bedtime....Owen! so while i was fixing my lunch for tomorrow, this is what owen was doing.......

only for me to have to pick it all up once he went to bed. oh well.