Saturday, July 18, 2009

Owen's first Royals Game

It was a beautiful night this evening so we decided to head to the Royals game. It was a lovely 70 degrees...perfect for mommy and owen to attend their first game of the season. Scott takes Ryan quite often but it was finally time for us to attend as a family of 4. Emily, Beef, Justin, and Darrin also came along.

Yep, impossible to get a decent family picture.

We ate Mr Goodcents (and dranks a few beers) before heading in.
please note that sara, ryan and owen did not participate in the beer drinking :)

Once we went in, we headed straight to the little K. Ryan loves to go back there and hit the ball in the little field. Then he runs out to the field and helps shag balls. He thinks he is pretty cool to be out there with older kids. This was Ryan and Owen waiting in line. It was too cute...couldn't resist this picture!

And then it was Ryan's is at the end of the blog so that you can watch. I don't know who gets more excited about Ryan getting to hit at the little K, Ryan himself or Scottie.

Here is Ryan helping shag balls. He thinks he is hot stuff!

"I got it!"

Gotta love technology. So glad i am able to video this from my camera and download it. What great memories this will be to go back and watch it when he gets older. Too cute. Makes me realize I have a pretty special 3 year old!

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