Opps, i meant to download the videos before the pictures but you will still get the jist of this post. Ryan completed his 6 weeks of swim lessons. If you follow my blog, you would have seen the post after his first swim lesson....he totally failed. They told us he would do better in private lessons when there is one on one interaction. Scott and I felt he would do better if he saw other kids swimming in the water so we gave it a second chance. Boy, has Ryan come a long way in just 6 weeks. To those of you that have kids that are fish in water, you will think Ryan is barely doing anything but........from week 1 to week 6, it's a big improvement! The first class he cried half the session and would not let go of the instructors hands. Tonight, he was swimming with just his "backpack" and jumping in the water and going underwater without crying! We will miss the next session due to soccer but we will get back in the November session so we don't lose all our swimming skills!I had purchased a Leapster 2 earlier this spring...it was on sale at Walmart and just couldn't pass it up. I wanted it for Ryan for our plane ride next month to FL. Was just going to give it to him but decided to wrap it up and tell him it was he present for doing such a good job at swim lessons. Let's just hope he doesn't expect gifts for all the other sessions that we enroll him in!!!
Ryan's present for doing such a good job at swim lessons!

These are two videos that I took of Ryan as Scott and I watched from the upper level observation room. We were not allowed to sit by the pool's edge....probably for the best. Ryan would have probably just tried to come running to us telling us he didn't want to swim. So all the talking I do on video was just me talking to myself.....a proud momma watching her first born! :)
Go Ryan! Have a great trip to Fl next month!