But the past few days have been nice. Yes, he is still onry, but not as bad. Owen has given me tons of hugs and kisses, semi understands that it hurts when you pull mommy's hair....
Owen was such a good eater tonight that i thought i would take some pics of dinner. Scottie has been working late so i have been surviving "the two hours of hell" all by myself (that is what i call 5:30-7:30 at night....when kids and mommy have just about had it and bedtime can't come soon enough).
And this would be the super-tired-soon-to-be-4-year-old. Oh my, he was so tired. I did turn the tv on so he could watch tv and eat....it kept me sane while i tried to get owen to sit down in his chair to eat. Here is ryan's "i'm so tired/dazed and out of it look!"
On another note, my foot is doing better. Went yesterday for my postop visit. She removed all my surgical dressings and i was finally able to see all my stitches. she then covered my foot up with gauze/co-band (spelling????) and tape. And no, i am not a k state fan....if she would have had black or gold co band, i would have worn that but i refused to wear the red and blue...hell no for jayhawks!