Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My poor foot :(

My poor foot! Finally had the fluid/cyst removed and tendon repaired. And now it looks like this!

I was so super excited for surgery b/c i thought i would be groggy all day...but not so much. was out of it for a few hours then back to normal. so much for my idea of "sleeping all day." and so much for "bedrest except for getting up for the bathroom only" per the recovery nurse. there is no way i could have survived if i was on bedrest during pregnancy....i can't even stay bedrest for the first 24-48 hours! was up at 11 to make sure kids were playing well with grandma margaret and getting ready for lunch. was up at 3ish after owen's nap. again at 5 during the rough 2 1/2 hours before bedtime when everyone is cranky. oh well, maybe i can do better tomorrow! the boys have been so good about watching out for mommy's foot. owen will walk into the bedroom, look at my foot and say "ouchie." ryan just tells me that i need to hop everywhere i go. cute boys! hopefully will be able to walk decent in the next few days. back to work on wednesday, stitches out in 2 weeks. i just hope i can somehow figure out how to shower...b/c i am not to get my foot wet for 2 weeks. hummmmmm

so, otherwise, i have been very bad about updating the blog. here are some pics that i have taken over the last two weeks. nothing new around our house. have been staying busy with work. scott is in his "hell" right now with year end close....oh, will it ever get better. if only his employer would hire more staff!!! we will be heading home this weekend to grandparents house to celebrate ryan's birthday and to be at church when baby maddie gets baptized.

scottie playing with the boys.....they love to spin his ring on the floor.

walked into the kitchen one morning to find that owen had opened the dishwasher, hopped right on up and started unloading the dirty dishes. glad there were no knives in there!

one of the few pics when both the boys actually looked at the camera!

one of my favorite pictures! my almost 4 year old.

Ryan, Owen, Lexi, and baby maddie

Owen being silly....and yes, we cannot get that boy to sit down in a chair. he is always standing. and if you tell him "no" or to "sit down" it does not phase him at all. oh lordy, he will be my difficult child growing up!

say cheese!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a speedy recovery! How did our babies grow up so fast? I can't believe they are turning 4!
