Saturday, April 17, 2010

Owen...20months going on 10 years

If only i had the camcorder rolling tonight! So ryan got mad that he had to come inside to eat dinner. all the neighbor kids were out. We all sat down to eat, ry ate his meal in 2 minutes and was ready to go back out....but we made him sit a little longer in hopes that owen would he. we finally let ryan get up and go out the back door. Owen stood up and kept saying "done" even though he had eaten nothing. the little stinker just kept watching us as he stepped from his chair to ryan's chair and then got down. he walked past us, still saying "done" and pushed the back door open. right before the door closed, he looked at both of us and say "bye." scott and i just turned to each other and laughed! i so wish i could have recorded it! All he does when he is outside is just follow all the big kids around. he thinks he is one of them! my little stinker, owen!

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