Monday, November 30, 2009

it's a root beer milkshake type of day

Blame it on the hormones but today was not my day. Our wireless connection within our computer went out over the weekend so, this was considered an emergency. As Scott brought to my attention, the internet is my lifeline during the day...when i am at home with the kids and i need to escape. i check email, get on facebook, and just surf the net while owen naps or while the kids play together. it's how i stay sane. so, instead of having matt, my brother in law, drive down from north kc, i called computer nerdz. while we waited for them to arrive, the kids got creative.

owen opted to wear the markers on his face instead coloring on the paper.
Owen went down for a nap and the computer guy was here at 1:45. i told him that scott's laptop could get the wireless signal so it was something within our computer. after 40 minutes and 1 phone call back to his office, he told me something was wrong with my wireless connection inside the computer. really? i thought i told him that 40 minutes ago??? he made a second call to his office and no one there had any other suggestions, other than to get a usb wireless adapter....and to pay the $70 service fee. As he left, i was pleasant but said "glad i paid $70 to be told that something was wrong with my wireless connection. i knew that from the very beginning." i just got this yucky feeling inside. wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep, eat chocolate, or drink a rum and coke. that's why i say it must be the hormones....i am having issues with wireless internet and $70. do i need to remind myself that people are without jobs, that we should be fortunate for what we have?????? i swear, it seems that every time i work extra shifts to make some extra money, God is making me spend it on stupid stuff like computer nerdz! I can never get ahead! Is He trying to tell me something? Stop working extra shifts? don't be greedy and want more money??? I wish i had the answer!!!! but i had to keep on going b/c owen was waking up and neighbor boys were coming over to play.

one of the few good things that happened today was that ryan and owen both looked at me so that i could get a picture!

And owen sat still long enough so that Ryan could take a pictures of us!

So after dinner, Ryan and i were off to the was this kind of a night.....

Shatto's root beer milk + vanilla ice cream = one great root beer milkshake!!!!

Ryan and i thoroughly enjoyed them!
So then it was off to the basement to watch some football with daddy and uncle matt. matt came over ot borrow scott's truck and so he thought he would take a stab at the computer issue. Sure enough, matt was able to fix the computer. he downloaded a newer version of the wirelss driver from toshiba's website, just as i had told computer nerdz. So, my $70 lesson of the day is to never call computer nerdz b/c they suck! I will be calling them in the morning to let them know that the problem was fixed and that i should be able to get at least half my money back, even though i know i won't. at least i will feel better venting. lord help the person that answers their phone in the morning. ok, by now, i have just gotten over the wasting of $70. i am still in need of chocolate. Ate a few sixlets...small chocolate candy balls.

it's bedtime for the boys. they are watching a few cartoons and drinking some milk.

I can only pray that they sleep in tomorrow morning....and that i enjoy my well needed break! grandma cathy is coming up to watch the boys so i can go to the foot doctor and get my hair cut....and maybe a nap too??????

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